WordPress page was not found on this server

Hey, did you encounter on wordpress page  was not found on this server  after moving your site on to another local computer? Here’s a little tip. mod_rewrite on your apache config must be enabled. 1. Go to/etc/apache2/httpd.conf 2. locate the following lines: LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so 3. make sure they are enabled/uncomment them. 4.[…]

Accessing DVR (CCTV) from Internet Explorer

In order to properly access DVR, you will need an ActiveX control that will be downloaded and installed for the first time you connect to DVR. 1. Start Internet Explorer 2. Type in the address of the DVR in the address bar. (If there’s a security password, enter it correctly) Most likely you will encounter[…]

Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide

Hi, just incase you missed this, google is proving a starter guide for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to improve their sites’ interaction with both users and search engines. Although this guide won’t tell you any secrets that’ll automatically rank your site first for queries in Google, following the best practices outlined below will make it easier for search engines[…]